Local suggestions to live Venice at its best / for its best


Lunch + eateries

Our short list of nice lunch cafes + eateries in Venice where we sneak in for a snack or a quite bite between a meeting up and a text reply

Alternative Cuisine Cafes

basta pasta! When you need something different than traditional italian food

Orient experience – Cannaregio, Rio tera’ Farsetti 1847
A successful social project of integration run by recently arrived immigrants. Open mind

Frary’sSan Polo, Fondamenta dei Frari
Middle-Eastern cuisine, a breeze of freshness in the restaurants’ scene in Venice. Chilled

Cafes in Venice

Nice Cafes

easy going places for a drink, a snack or a tramezzino

Ai CerviCannaregio, Strada Nova

 Family run, 2nd generation in, outdoor seatings, locals hang around

  • PRO: Lorenzo, Lisa and the rest of the staff are superb
  • CON: in summer and in winter closed on Saturdays and Sundays

Bar Clodia Castello 4590, Calle de le Rasse

Being hungry in St. Mark’s Square can be solved by a piccantino here

  • PRO: funny place – gondolieri go by
  • CON: sitting in the back is a bit sad

Bar Mio Castello 1820, via Garibaldi

Out of doubt the best tramezzini

  • PRO: the ladies always have smile for everyone & very local hang-around
  • CON: I have not understood really what time they close

Caffè Rosso Dorsoduro 2963, Campo S.ta Margherita

Historical cafe, still sparkling of young moms at afternoons and uni students at aperitivo time

  • PRO: any moment of the day is good to step by here
  • CON: a bit far from us – closed on Sundays

ZanzibarCastello 5840, Campo S. M. Formosa

There is no resident of Venice that hasn’t stopped here at least once

  • PRO: sitting out there is the most wonderful lazy thing you can think of out of Sofa&Netflix’s bundle
  • CON: they know that, so it’s pricey

Sport bars

When you can’t miss the match

Devil’s forestCastello, Calle dei Stagneri
A bit further, I can’t go here, my team lose when I watch them here

Irish pubCorte dei Pali
Good place for beer and sandwiches, less good for my team in the league matches


Wine bars – Bacari

good places for a quick lunch or aperitivo

Alla rampaCastello, Salizada Sant’Antonin | Salizada del Pignater
Anti fashion place, old style tavern, oh dear cicheti & ombre are really good

5000Castello, Campo S. Severo 5000
Have a seat along the canal or by the window, glass of wine and look people and gondolas go by

Al Merca’San Polo, Campo Battisti gia’ Bella Vienna
Permanent queue of customers lined up out of this hole-in-wall bar for a good glass and paninetto

Da LeleSanta Croce, Fondamenta Tolentini 183
Like the one above, more basic and convenient, therefore uni students’ resolution
Closed on Sat afternoons and Sundays

Dai Zemei San Polo, Ruga Vecchia s. Giovanni 1065
In a super busy area the quality you won’t expect

Al SqueroDorsoduro, F.ta San Trovaso 933
Get a glass and enjoy the sun laying along the canal and watching gondola repairing

Cocktail bars

When you Need a good one

Chet BarDorsoduro, Campo Santa Margherita 3684
In the university district a great mixology bar with finest ingredients

Il MercanteDorsoduro, Fond. Frari 2564
Beautiful place with old fashion taste and great drinks

In the mood for some mind-blowing bites to have back at the flat or at home?


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Still, do not get conned. Read the best practice to find good places
